REGULATIONS | Pdf version
1 - The "Città di Alcamo" International Singing Contest will take place in Alcamo (Province of Trapani, Italy) from September 28 to October 2, 2011. The events will be held at the Cielo d’Alcamo Theater, at the Marconi Congress Centre and at the Conti di Modica Castle.
2 - Singers from all nations may take part in the Contest, provided that they were born between January 1st, 1975 and September 1st, 1993.
Note: Singers who already ranked in one of the first three positions in any of the previous editions of the "Città di Alcamo" International Contest will not be accepted.
3 - To participate in the Contest, candidates must fill out and submit the Application Form no later than September 10, 2011. Candidates may apply in one of the following manners: on-line form through the Contest Website; fax; e-mail; or regular mail (applications will be considered valid based on the postmarked date).
The information for sending the application is specified hereafter:
Via F.lli S. Anna, 77 - 91011 ALCAMO (TP) - ITALY
Tel./fax: +39 0924 505744
VoIP “Skype”: amicidellamusicaalcamo
www.amicimusicaalcamo.it - info@amicimusicaalcamo.it
After the above specified deadline, all communications are to be sent by e-mail only.
The first 50 entrants to the Contest (the Organizing Secretariat will inform the participant by e-mail about the application order), will be accommodated free of charge at the 4-stars Centrale Hotel in Alcamo in triple bedrooms with B&B hospitality until the day he/she will still be taking part in the Contest; after elimination, participants may decide to stay in the same hotel at their own expense.
The conditions for hospitality are specified hereafter:
− participants who will not pass the eliminatory phase will be hosted for one night only (check-in September 28, check-out September 29)
− participants who will pass the eliminatory phase but will not pass the semi-finals will be hosted for three nights: check-in 28/09/2011, check-out 01/10/2011
− automatic qualifiers for the semi-finals (see paragraph 3, letter e) who will not pass the semi-finals will be hosted for 2 nights: check-in 29/09/2011 check-out 01/10/2011
− participants who will pass the eliminatory and semi-finals but who will not pass the finals will be hosted from 28/09/2011 to 02/10/2011 (4 nights)
− automatic qualifiers for the semi-finals who will pass the semi-finals but will not pass the finals will be accommodated from 29/09/2011 to 02/10/2011 (3 nights)
− participants who will pass the finals will be hosted until the day of the gala concert or award ceremony, i.e. until 03/10/2011.
The above specified conditions are valid only for the first 50 people who will regularly submit the Application to the Contest, as proven by the e-mail that will be sent by the Organizing Secretariat. |
The application form should be completed in all parts. Failure to do so will imply impossibility to accept the application. The applicant must specify his/her: first and last name, place and date of birth, nationality, address, voice register, and e-mail address (obligatory for all people).
The following documents must be attached to the application form:
a) A copy of a valid identity card or passport;
b) One recent passport-size photograph, and one full-body picture;
c) A CV specifying candidate's artistic activities;
d) A list of the 5 musical pieces the participant intends to sing. The 5 arias must be by no less than three different authors, and can be chosen from the international opera repertoire by each participant. Chamber arias, sacred arias, salon music and romances will not be allowed. Arias are to be sung in full (i.e., with recitative, cantabile and cabaletta, if so composed, or with the ABA structure for 18th century music), and as composed by the Author (abiding by tonality, language, and arrangement).
The Application Form should be thoroughly completed with all the information requested. For each musical piece it will be necessary to clearly specify: Author’s first and last name, complete title of the Opera, and precise incipit of the Aria (e.g., approximate descriptions, such as “Aria of Leonora” or similar, will not be accepted). In the event of wrong or lacking information in the Application Form, the Organizing Committee will not be held responsible to contact Applicant to correct/add wrong/missing information. Hence, Applicants will be responsible to verify if their application and program has been accepted.
If an applicant wishes to change the arias he/she intends to sing, immediate communication should be given by e-mail or fax within and not over 20/09/2011. Failure to inform the Organizing Committee will imply that the Applicant will be requested to sing the arias previously specified in the Application Form. The Jury will take into consideration the difficulty of the pieces, and if the arias composed with recitative, cantabile or cabaletta have been sung in a complete fashion or partially.
e) Automatic qualifiers to the semi-finalists: candidates having already ranked in one of the first three positions in any International Singing Contest can be admitted directly to the semi-final phase. In this case, the list of pieces to be submitted must indicate 4 opera melodies by no less than three different composers. All singers having the aforementioned requirements who decide to directly access the semi-final phase, must enclose a copy of the certificate showing that the position achieved in the other international contest is one of the first three (the term "International" is to be clearly specified in the certificate). The copy of the certificate submitted is to be signed by the participant him/herself as proof of authenticity.
f) The finalists of the selections held abroad of the 2010 edition of the “Città di Alcamo” Contest will directly be admitted to the semi-final phase. The list of pieces to be submitted must indicate 4 opera melodies by no less than three different composers.
Performances will be open to the public. Pianists will be available to accompany singers. However, participants may choose to perform with their own pianist, provided that all expenses for such personal pianist are paid by the participant.
Should an application be sent after the deadline, the Organizing Committee is entitled to freely decide whether to admit it or not.
4 - Participants will have to be present at the Cielo d'Alcamo Theatre on September 28 at 10:00 a.m. for the roll-call. Participants should be aware that no further invitation will be sent for the roll-call.
Participants who fail to be present at the roll-call will be excluded from the Contest, unless they provide justified reason for their absence.
In the Preliminary phase, singers will perform in alphabetical order according to last names' initial letters, starting with the letter established by a drawing that will be held after the roll-call.
For the semi-finals and the finals, participants will have to be present at the Cielo d'Alcamo Theatre on September 29 at 10:00 a.m. for the roll-call and the subsequent drawing of the letter according to which the order of performances will be established.
On the occasion of their first performance, all singers shall show a valid Identity Document to the Secretary Office and pay a € 100.00 administrative fee.
The calendar of performances and the results will be posted at the theater.
5 - Participants will be judged as per the approved regulations of the Board of Directors of the “Amici della Musica” Association of Alcamo.
6 - The first prize is indivisible. The Technical Jury may decide not to award a prize if no candidate is considered to be of a proper artistic level. In addition, the Jury may decide to assign ex-aequo prizes, provided that the total sum awarded remains the same. The Jury has the right to request that a singer perform only a part of an aria or his/her program, or that he/she performs again, and can ask questions to better understand his/her artistic profile.
After the conclusion of the final phase, the Jury will take the minutes regarding its decisions. Then the Jury will post the names of the winners, prize awardees and grant awardees, without disclosing the order in which the winners have ranked. The place-list will be announced during the Gala Concert.
All Jury’s decisions are to be considered undisputable and irrevocable. By participating in the contest, singers acknowledge to accept all Jury’s decisions.
7 - The winners of the Contest shall also participate in the Gala Concert that will be held at the Cielo d'Alcamo Theatre on Sunday October 2, 2011. Failure to participate in the Gala Concert will imply loss of prize. Grant Awardees and those receiving a Special Prize will not be considered winners; therefore they may be allowed to sing for the Gala Concert only if the Technical Jury so decides.
The program of the Concert will be established as per the Jury’s unquestionable choice, and will specify the pieces to be sung by the winners (or by prize and grant awardees, should any of them perform). Each singer will be accompanied by a pianist.
8 - Participants are not entitled by any means to request compensation for performing on the final evening, or in the event that their performance is broadcasted on radio or television. The Gala Concert will be filmed, and the video can be purchased by the winners, prize and grant awardees for personal use.
Winners will receive a Diploma of Honour. All the other participants will receive a Participation Certificate.
9 - The Organizing Committee will be headed by the Association’s Interim President. The Committee has the right to cancel the contest in case of events beyond its control. All parties concerned will be timely informed of all changes, if any.
10 - Participation in the contest involves unconditional acceptance of these regulations. Should any complaint arise, only the Italian text will be considered valid. Place of jurisdiction: Court of Trapani.
For all matters not included in these regulations, the decision will be made by the Organizing Committee.
11 - In compliance with Legislative Decree No. 196 of June 30, 2003, all the data obtained will be processed for the only purposes related to this contest and according to the applicable laws. Should a participant desire to update, cancel, modify or integrate his/her personal information, please write to: info@amicimusicaalcamo.it
1. PRELIMINARY: Wednesday, September 28.
Roll-call and drawing: All participants are to be present at the Cielo d’Alcamo Theatre on September 28 at 10.00 a.m. for the roll-call and the subsequent drawing of the letter for establishing the order of performances for the preliminary phase.
Each singer will perform the piece that he/she has chosen for the Preliminary Phase as indicated in his/her Application Form. The pianist will verify that the aria complies with the one specified in the Application Form.
At the end of the this phase, the Jury will inform singers on who has been admitted to the semi-finals.
2. SEMIFINALS: Beginning on Thursday, September 29.
Singers are to be present at the Cielo d’Alcamo Theatre on September 29 at 10.00 a.m. for the roll-call and the subsequent drawing of the letter for establishing the order of performances for the semi-finals.
Afterwards, singers will rehearse with pianists during the morning, and perform before the Jury in the afternoon.
Each singer will perform the two pieces specified the list submitted with the application. The pianist will verify that the arias comply with those specified in the Application Form.
At the end of the semi-final phase, the Jury will inform on those who will be admitted to the Final phase.
The number of those admitted to the Finals will be established by the Jury.
3. FINALS: Saturday, October 1.
Singers will perform according to the same order drawn for the semi-finals.
Starting at 9.00 a.m., singers will rehearse with pianists at the Cielo d’Alcamo Theatre.
Each singer will perform the other two arias specified in his/her application form. Participants may not sing an aria already sung in the eliminatory or semi-final phases.
At the end of the performances, the Jury will rank the winners. The Jury’s decision is to be considered indisputable.
All finalists who will not be declared winners will be considered as "ex-aequo".
Silvano Carroli- baritono - Italia
Luisa Longhi - organizzatrice eventi - Italia
Ekaterina Koltcheva - mezzosoprano - Bulgaria
Claudio Montesano - Direttore dell'Istituto Musicale, Ribera - Italia
Silvia Voinea - soprano - Romania
I Premio: € 4.000,00
Offerto da Banca Don Rizzo - Credito Cooperativo della Sicilia Occidentale - Alcamo
II Premio: € 2.000,00
Offerto dalla ditta Comas s.r.l. di Alcamo.
III Premio: € 1.000,00
Offerto da Messana Girolamo deposito carburanti e lubrificanti di Alcamo.
• Borsa di Studio del Lions Club di Alcamo.
• Borsa di Studio Rotary Club di Alcamo.
• Borsa di Studio del Kiwanis Club di Alcamo.
• Borsa di Studio della F. I. D. A. P. A. di Alcamo.
- Concerto premio per il miglior candidato italiano finalista offerto da "Amici della Musica" di Voghera (PV)
- Concerto premio per il vincitore presso l'Auditorium RAI di Palermo
- Partecipazione al Canto Festival di Amandola (FM) edizione 2011
- I Premi verranno assegnati dalla Giuria Tecnica a conclusione delle prove finali ed annunciati durante la cerimonia di premiazione.
- Ai vincitori ed ai concorrenti premiati verrà rilasciato un Diploma.
- Qualunque somma indicata nel presente bando a titolo di premio o di rimborso sarà da assoggettare alle ritenute di legge.
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CHINA: Conservatorio di Shenyang e-mail: sycm_yb@sohu.com |
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ALBANY: Teatro Nazionale dell’Opera e del Balletto di Tirana e-mail: toap@albaniaonline.net |
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CANADA: Théâtre Lyrichorégra 20 e-mail: lyrique@cooptel.qc.ca |
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JAPAN: “La Mediterranea” Ente Internazionale di Pubblica Istruzione e-mail: info@la-mediterranea.jp |
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SOUTH KOREA: Infinity Cultural Promotion Foundation Cheongju e-mail: siiree@empal.com |
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SERBIA BULGARY MACEDONIA: Prijatelji Muzike of Nis e-mail: primu@email.co.yu |
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GERMANY: Mannheim University of Music and Performing Arts e-mail: sneskica@t-online.de |
Hotel Centrale
Via G. Amendola,24
91011 Alcamo (TP)
Tel. +39 0924 507845
Fax +39 0924 507768
Albergo Miramare
Corso Gen. dei Medici, 72
91011 Alcamo (TP)
Tel./fax 0924 21197
Per informazioni: Associazione “Amici della Musica”
Via F.lli S. Anna, 77 - 91011 Alcamo (TP) -Tel. +39 0924 505744 - Fax +39 0924 1916611 - Cell. +39 335 7073611
VoIP “Skype”: amicidellamusicaalcamo
Partita Iva 01374350815