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Vincenzo Melone

Rear Admiral (ITCG) Vincenzo MELONE was born in Rome. After having earned a high school scientific diploma, he attended the Naval Academy from 1972 to 1976 taking a bachelor’s degree in maritime and naval science. As navy officer he has served in a variety of
ships of the Italian Navy fleet including Etna, Doria, Impavido, San Giorgio, Centauro and Canopo, having completed the as/sioc and the watchkeeping qualification as deck officer. In 1982 he moved to the Coast Guard Corp covering a broad range of duties commanding:
- La Maddalena Coast Guard District Office (1986 -1987);
- Viareggio Harbour Master Office from 1995 to 1998;
- Pescara Harbour Master Office from 2002 to 2004.
In 1987 he specialized in “Safety of navigation and NBC defence”.
Staff appointments have included Assistant to the Minister of Merchant Navy (1989-1991), assistant to the General Commandant of the Coast Guard (1992-1995), responsible for relationship with the Parliament on any Coast Guard related issue (1999- 2002).
He was awarded:
- Commander of the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic;
- Gold cross for Length of Military Service;
- Certificate of Merit with medal award for public calamity rescue operations;
- Officer’s cross with swords of merit of the Knight’s Militense Order – SMOMM;
- Mauriziana medal of merit of a decade of military carrer;
- Commander of Merit with medal of the Sacred Military
Constantinian Order of Saint George.
On 31 May 2005 Rear Admiral (ITCG) Vincenzo MELONE assumed the duties of the Chief of the Third Department “Plans and Operations” of the Italian Coast Guard Headquarters where he was responsible of the air/naval/diving assets of the Coast Guard, search and rescue operations and law enforcement activities to protect marine environment.
On 15 November 2010 he assumed the duties of Chief of the First De M A I N S P O N S O R partment “Human and Resources” of the Italian Coast Guard Headquarters and on 6 January 2013 he was appointed Coast Guard deputy General Commandant.
On 16 May 2013 he assumed the duties of Maritime Director and Harbour Master of the port of Genoa. Rear Admiral Vincenzo Melone assumed the duties of Commandant of the Italian Coast Guard on 2 November 2015.

Reasons for assigning the Award

Since their establishment, Port Authorities have concretely represented a symbol of Italy, constantly cooperating to enhance a democratic State where legality and politics of inclusion can be enforced, where freedom and the culture of welcome may reign. In this context, the Coast Guard
has many pivotal roles to serve the community. Its officials, non-commissioned officers and troop are in charge of very delicate tasks, including humanitarian rescue operations at sea, which often requires to perform breathless and painstaking interventions to save human lives, or, sadly, to recover the bodies of those who could not be saved.
The Coast Guard is also committed to protecting the integrity and safety of ports and ships, in compliance with the ideals of democracy, freedom and peace, which represent the essence of the European Union.
For these reasons, the Città di Alcamo International Culture Award has been assigned to the Coast Guard Commander General, Divisional Admiral Vincenzo Melone.


Conferimento Premio Internazionale per la Cultura "Vissi d'Arte – Città di Alcamo" all'Isp. Vincenzo Melone, Comandante Generale del Corpo della Capitaneria di Porto Guardia Costiera


Consegnano il Premio Francesco Bambina, Presidente dell'Associazione "Amici della Musica"
e Domenico Surdi, Sindaco del Comune di Alcamo.

Amici della Musica
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