Italiano English




Corrado Borruso

Lieutenant General Corrado Borruso was born in Palermo, is married and has a son. His military career started in 1966, when he was admitted at the Military Academy of Modena, to be later assigned to the Carabinieri Corps Officer Candidate School in Rome.
He obtained university degrees in Law, Political Sciences, and Domestic and Foreign Safety Sciences, and then attended a Masters Course in Strategic Sciences as well as the 107th Higher Course for Joint Chiefs of Staff.
He completed the 2nd level of the English course at the Army School of Foreign Languages. After an initial experience as the Platoon Commander of the 1st Battalion of the Carabineri Cadet School in Rome, he directed the Operative Squad of the Piazza Venezia Company, the 2nd Section of the Car Patrol Squad of the Carabinieri Legion of Rome, the Rome-Casilina Company, and worked at the Public Relations and Documentation Office and the Regulation Office of the General National Command. As a Superior Officer, he was the Section Chief of the General National Command Regulation Office, the Provincial Commander of Reggio Calabria, and the Chief of the Organized Crime Office of the General National Command. As a General Officer, he was the Chief of the General Command 1st Unit, the Regional Commander of Lazio, and the General Command Deputy Chief at the Joint Chiefs of Staff. Since March 3rd, 2006, he has been the Chairman of the Advancement Assessment Committee, and on September 5, 2006, he has become the Commander of the Carabinieri Corps Cadet Schools. During his career, he was awarded three solemn honourable mentions, a simple honourable mention, and an Official Praise. He also received the following decorations: Medaglia Mauriziana, Military Gold Medal for long lasting command, Golden Cross for service seniority, Commendatore dellÕOrdine al Merito of the Republic of Italy, Commander with Swords pro Merito Melitensi of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Knight of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, NATO medals for operations performed in Yugoslavia and Kosovo.

Reasons for awarding the prize

For having pursued with consistency and determination the defence of democratic principles, the assertion of loyalty, moral integrity, dedication, and solidarity or for having showed self-denial for the State.
His example is a significant demonstration of how a son of Sicily can become a shining model for the diffusion of the utmost culture of legality.


Consegna Premio Internazionale per la Cultura a Corrado Borruso – Generale C.A. dei Carabinieri


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