![]() 2009
Fedele Confalonieri
Fedele Confalonieri has grown up in Milan, where he became a close friend of Silvio Berlusconi’s, who is one year older. Their friendship has lasted also during the high school and university years. In fact, Berlusconi and Confalonieri have always had a common passion for music, which drove them to go around the world together as piano-bar musicians on cruise liners. After obtaining a Law degree at the State University of Milan discussing a thesis on antitrust provisions, Confalonieri followed his friend Berlusconi on his TV adventure, with important roles and responsibilities in Mediaset. At present, Fedele Confalonieri is the President of Mediaset, a member of the B.o.D. of Arnoldo Mondadori, and a member of the B.o.D. of Il Giornale newspaper. In addition, he is a member of the steering committee of the General Confederation of Italian Industries, a member of Assolombarda, and the President of the National Association of Italian Television Companies within the Italian Federation of TV and Radio Stations. Since 2000, he has also been a member of the B.o.D. of Gestevision Telecinco SA. He is a member of the steering committee of Assonime (Association of Joint Stock Companies incorporated in Italy). In the past he was the President of the Philharmonic Orchestra of La Scala theatre, and the President of a committee appointed to organize the celebrations in honour of Giuseppe Verdi’s anniversary. In October 2007, Confalonieri obtained a diploma in Piano at the Verdi Conservatory of Milan, with a curriculum that included Ludwig van Beethoven’s Appassionata, a Rhapsody by Johannes Brahms, the Quadri di un’Esposizione by Mussorgskij, and Fantasia in C op. 17 by Robert Alexander Schumann. He received the honorific title of Cavaliere di Gran Croce of the Republic of Italy. Reasons for assigning the Award Fedele Confalonieri’s love for classical music dates back to his infancy - when he became familiar with the milieus of La Scala theatre - and has always thriven ever since. His passion for Opera, and particularly the Italian repertoire and Verdi, led him to become the President of a committee appointed to organize the celebrations in honour of Giuseppe Verdi’s anniversary. Confalonieri has always contributed to disseminating the culture of classical music, by organizing outstanding concerts at La Scala theatre, also with the Philharmonic Orchestra. He has always shown great interest toward young musicians, by promoting dedicated performances and contests. He is a brilliant example of high professionalism, also for his capability to convey interest and passion to young talents.
Premio Internazionale per la Cultura a Fedele Confalonieri - Manager |
Per informazioni: Associazione “Amici della Musica”
Via F.lli S. Anna, 77 - 91011 Alcamo (TP) -Tel. +39 0924 505744 - Fax +39 0924 1916611 - Cell. +39 335 7073611
VoIP “Skype”: amicidellamusicaalcamo
Partita Iva 01374350815